Vermiculite Ceramic Fiber Cloth ( DSZVCF2.8) Dhaka

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Category Ceramic Fiber Cloth, Insulation Cloth, Welding Blankets
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Details of Signature Vermiculite Ceramic Fiber Cloth ( DSZVCF2.8)

Vermiculite Coated Ceramic Cloth in Dhaka, It is a soft, Flexible Cloth made of ceramic fibre yarn reinforced by steel wire with vermiculite coated. It is an ideal replacement for an asbestos product used for thermal insulation and heat protection. It will not burn, rot, mildew or deteriorate and resist most acids. It has a low coefficient of thermal expansion.

Vermiculite is a naturally occurring mineral that undergoes significant expansion when heated. This expansion creates pockets of air, which enhances the insulating properties of the material. When vermiculite is applied as a coating to ceramic cloth, it adds additional insulation and also improves the fabric's resistance to heat, flame, and abrasion.

Manufacturing Process:

Weaving: Ceramic fibers are initially spun into yarns, which are then woven into a cloth. The weaving process determines the fabric's strength, flexibility, and texture.

Coating: After weaving, the ceramic cloth is coated with vermiculite. This coating process involves applying a layer of vermiculite either through dipping, spraying, or brushing. The vermiculite is often mixed with a binder to ensure adhesion to the ceramic fibers.

Curing: Once coated, the fabric is cured at high temperatures to set the vermiculite and binder mixture, ensuring durability and heat resistance.

Working Temperature: 1260 C

Melting Point: 1760 C

Coating: Vermiculite Coated

Material: Ceramic Fabric

Color: Brown

Thickness: 2.8 mm

Offered Product

Signature Vermiculite Ceramic Fiber Cloth ( DSZVCF2.8)

Signature Ceramic Fiber Cloth For Fireproof, Resists Corrosive Chemicals, Commonly Used Acid And Alkali,strong And Abrasive, Used In Tough Environment, No Asbestos. It Is Woven Fabric Made From Our High Quality Ceramic Fiber Yarn, Reinforced With Fiberglass Or Inconel/stainless Steel Wire,used For High Temperature Application Up To 1260C. Characteristics:1. Lightweight And Low Thermal Conductivity.2. Excellent Insulation At High Temperature.3. Resists Corrosive Chemicals, Commonly Use... Read more
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